Sedekah Jum'at
Sedekah Jum'at merupakan sedekah yang dilakukan pada hari Jum'at.
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Friday is one of the special days because in Islamic teachings Friday is a day when all prayers will be answered more quickly by Allah SWT, as well as get abundant blessings. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said;
"The best day on which the sun rises is Friday." (HR. Muslim)
Here are some features of Friday according to Islam:
1. Historic Day
Another event that occurred on Friday was that Friday was the day on which the Prophet Adam was created. It is also said that the Day of Judgment will occur on Friday. Based on the history of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
"The best day on which the sun rises is Friday, on that day Adam was created, on that day he was put into jannah (heaven) and on that day he was expelled from jannah and the Day of Resurrection will not occur except on Friday. ” (Narrated by Muslim and Tirmidhi).
2. Days for Performing Special Prayers
Friday is a day when Muslims and men are required to perform other prayers besides the five daily prayers, namely the Friday prayer. Friday prayers are obligatory for men but not for sick people, small children, slaves and women.
Friday prayers are usually performed during the day and serve as a substitute for the midday prayer. For men who leave Friday prayers will be considered negligent.
3. The Day for Removing Sins
Based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad from Abu Hurairah RA,
“Whoever performs ablution, then refines (perfects) his ablution, then comes to the Friday prayer and continues listening to and paying attention to the sermon, then he will be given forgiveness for the sins committed on that day until the following Friday and plus three days thereafter. . Whoever plays gravel, his Friday will be in vain." (HR. Muslim)
The words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW show that when Friday will be given forgiveness of sins that have been committed on the same day until next Friday and in the next three days.
4. Prayers are more quickly granted
As explained earlier, when it is Friday, prayers are answered more quickly. The prayer that is offered must be done in earnest so that God will give what was desired beforehand. Prayer is more efficacious when said after asr.
This prayer can be done to ask for goodness in the world and also to get intercession in the afterlife.
The privilege of this Friday can be used to perform prescribed worship, including giving alms. However, worship must be done every day, not just Friday, to get more blessings from Allah SWT.
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