Sedekah Subuh
Sedekah Subuh merupakan sedekah yang dilakukan pada waktu Subuh.
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Did you know that if an angel's prayer is efficacious, then Allah will surely grant it?
And do you realize that every morning there are two angels who always pray for you?
Yes, these two angels never pass a day without praying for us.
One angel prays for good for us, while the other prays for bad. How come?
You didn't read that wrong. The above is stated in the following words of the Prophet;
Artinya : “Dari Abu Hurairah radliallahu 'anhu bahwa Nabi Saw. bersabda: "Tidak ada suatu hari pun ketika seorang hamba melewati paginya kecuali, akan turun (datang) dua malaikat kepadanya lalu salah satunya berkata; "Ya Allah berikanlah pengganti bagi siapa yang menafkahkan hartanya", sedangkan yang satunya lagi berkata; "Ya Allah berikanlah kehancuran (kebinasaan) kepada orang yang menahan hartanya (bakhil)”. (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
For anyone who wants to be lucky every day, this hadith should be the main reference for getting it.
What's more for people who believe, the Hadith above is certainly a pretty harsh reminder to spend if you don't want to get a loss.
Therefore, allow us from the Hamatul Qur'an Jogoroto Islamic Boarding School to help you get Good Prayers from angels every day.
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